
Mitt Romney explains why Kyrsten Sinema lost favor with Democrats – Deseret News

Sen. Mitt Romney Praises Sen. Kyrsten Sinema for Bipartisan Leadership and Defense of Filibuster

The unlikely friendship and bipartisan collaboration between Senators Mitt Romney and Kyrsten Sinema have been making waves in Washington, D.C. as they work together to bridge the gap between the two major parties and pass crucial legislation.

Romney, a Republican, had nothing but praise for Sinema, an independent from Arizona who was elected as a Democrat in 2018 before leaving the party in 2022. He commended her for her ability to bring senators together and her unwavering support for the filibuster, even in the face of pressure to eliminate it.

During a conversation at the McCain Institute’s Sedona Forum, Romney highlighted Sinema’s intelligence, personality, energy, and willingness to work across party lines as key factors in her effectiveness as a senator. He even shared that Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell had called her the most effective senator in the United States Senate.

Despite facing backlash from the Democratic Party for her stance on the filibuster, Sinema stood her ground, believing that the rule is essential for promoting compromise and bipartisanship in the Senate. She expressed that her vote to keep the filibuster was the most important vote of her career and that she has no regrets about it.

In a time of increasing divisiveness in the country, Sinema and Romney emphasized the importance of putting aside personal interests and focusing on what is best for the long term. They both agreed that fostering a culture of respect for differing opinions and a willingness to learn from others is crucial for healing the divides in the country.

As Sinema prepares to leave the Senate after announcing she will not seek reelection, her legacy of bipartisanship and integrity will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on her colleagues and the future of American politics.

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