
Government in Trouble as Crisis of Trust in Politics Deepens | Latest Political News

“Exclusive Polling by YouGov for Sky Reveals Voters’ Attitudes Towards Politics and Politicians Ahead of Next Election”

The latest exclusive polling by YouGov for Sky News has revealed a concerning trend in voter attitudes towards politics and politicians in the UK. The survey, conducted ahead of the next election, shows a significant increase in the number of people who “almost never” trust the British government to prioritize the needs of the nation over their own party interests.

Since the 2019 general election, where Boris Johnson promised to “repay the trust” of new Conservative voters in the North East, there has been a nearly doubled percentage of people expressing distrust in the government. This loss of trust has been particularly pronounced among those who voted to leave the EU in 2016, with a significant increase in the number of Leavers who now feel disconnected from British politics.

The polling also highlights a growing sense of disillusionment among voters, with nearly three-quarters believing that politicians do not care about their opinions or the issues that matter to them. This sentiment is especially strong outside of London, with regions like Wales and the north of England feeling neglected by politicians in Westminster.

Moreover, the survey indicates that voters see little difference between the major political parties, with a record number of people stating that Labour and the Conservatives are more alike than ever before. This perception of political homogeneity could further contribute to the erosion of trust in the government.

Overall, the findings suggest a deepening crisis of trust in British politics, with implications for the upcoming election. As both major parties struggle to convince voters of their sincerity and commitment to keeping promises, the future of political trust in the UK remains uncertain.

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