Artifical Intelegence

AI Becomes an Archaeology Assistant

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Archaeology: Uncovering Ancient Economies and Trade Networks

AI is revolutionizing the field of archaeology, allowing researchers to uncover ancient trade routes, decipher hieroglyphics, and analyze historical data with unprecedented speed and accuracy. From mapping out trade networks to deciphering ancient texts, AI is transforming the way archaeologists work and shedding new light on the economies of ancient societies.

One example comes from researchers at Stanford University who used AI to analyze the distribution of amphorae in the Roman Empire, revealing intricate trade networks that connected different parts of the empire. By analyzing pottery distribution, inscriptions, and ancient shipping records, AI can map out trade routes that span continents and provide new insights into how goods were moved, traded, and consumed across vast distances.

In Mesopotamia, researchers used AI to analyze thousands of cuneiform tablets, uncovering details about the credit systems and financial instruments used by ancient Mesopotamians. By training AI to recognize patterns in these texts, researchers were able to gain insights into the sophisticated economic systems of ancient civilizations.

One of the most exciting applications of AI in archaeology is the deciphering of unreadable scrolls from the 79 CE eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The Vesuvius Challenge, funded by technology investors and entrepreneurs including Nat Friedman and Elon Musk, uses AI to unlock the secrets of these ancient texts. The winning team for 2023 successfully deciphered over 2,000 characters from the scrolls, revealing a unique philosophical manuscript focusing on Epicurean ideals.

Overall, AI is reshaping the field of archaeology, enabling researchers to analyze data at scales and speeds not previously possible and providing new insights into ancient economies and societies. While the adoption of AI in archaeology comes with ethical risks, the potential for groundbreaking discoveries and a deeper understanding of the past is immense.

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